I have heard it said many times, if these walls could talk. That could certainly be said of The Balsam Mountain Inn. I remember as a teenager, driving up the road late at night with friends to look at the grand lady on the hill that had been closed for many years. While my friends shrieked and huddled close together talking of ghosts and references of The Shining, I drifted back into time and could almost hear the train whistle blowing- as the Inn came into view. I wished to be wearing the fashions of the day while sipping tea on the beautiful front porch as the warm summer breeze kissed my face. I could see it all. I was in love. I felt a connection and if I believed in a prior life, I would have been sure that I walked those porches, descended the beautiful staircases, and laughed among all the other occupants. You can only imagine how I felt about ten years later when I discovered that the inn was going to be restored to all her glory and re-opened to the public. I remember the first time I went inside for dinner, I felt as if I had finally come home. It was breathtaking-just as I knew it would be. I have been back to the Inn many times since then for dinner I am always taken away as soon as I walk through the front doors. When my husband wanted to know where I wanted to go for an overnight anniversary trip, I replied, The Inn.
I believe the past whispers in our ears as we walk in the footsteps of those who have gone before. I heard those whispers, saying our baby took its first steps in this room… we spent our 50th anniversary here…we spent our 1st anniversary here… we spent Christmas here… It was a magical, mystical stay and as I put my head on the pillow and turned out the lights, it seemed as if the grand old lady whispered sleep well my friend.
The photo at the top of the page are items I found while treasure hunting at the greatest thrift store- you could actually bid on items in the store - so cool- these are some of the teasures I found - I like to find unique glassware, candle holders, jewelery, and teapots/coffee pots. The store was called The Open Door :) great find
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