Do you ever get in a bad mood? I mean a really bad mood? Things that don't normally bother you ...seem to drive you crazy and you stew and stew until you want to blow your top! Well I had just one of those days last week. Life got hectic- we had to have a new roof put on our house (it is an cottage/farm house that is about 80 years old and it needed a new roof). When the builders started tearing off the old shingles they found much work that needed to be done and $9000.00 it was done beautifully - just more money than we had anticipated. The next thing was a situation with my ex husband that I do not even want to discuss. It seems that the events just kept piling up and it made me grumpy and caused me to have a poor outlook on life and not be so nice to people around me (friends and family). Now having said this - I have reflected upon that bad day and feel terrible. Things like this poison my soul -they really do - I also am thinking if I took my last breath today - what would my son remember most ( a grouchy, petty mom)that is certainly not what I want. So this is my declaration: I am going to live my life as if my children are modeling their lives after mine. I want to be a friend to all and offer a helping hand when I can and even when I can't.
So if I hurt your feelings last week or made you feel sad - please forgive me and have a slice of this delicious apple pie. Love, Me!
•8 ounce(s) of Philadelphia cream cheese (softened)
•1/4 cup(s) of brown sugar
•1 tsp. of pumpkin pie spice
•1 can of apple pie filling
•1/2 chopped apple
•1 tsp. of lemon juice
•2 tbsp. of brown sugar
•1/2 cup(s) of chopped pecans
•1 cup(s) of sharp cheddar cheese (shreadded)
•1 9 inch deep dish pie shell
1.Bake pie shell according to package directions about 10 minutes and let cool
2.Mix cream cheese, brown sugar and pumpkin pie spice at medium speed until blended
3.Spread cream cheese mixture in pie crust
4.Top cream cheese mixture with apple pie filling
5.combine chopped apple, lemon juice, remaining 2 tbsp. brown sugar and nuts together and spoon on top of apple pie filling
6.Cover top of pie with sharp cheddar cheese
7.Place under broiler until cheese melts for about 1 minute (watch carefully so it will not burn)
Oh Pauletta, You are such a sweet caring person. We all have those days and there is no way your son would ever remember you like that. He would, I am certain, think only of you as the mom he loves and treasures, as we all think of you! Oh and the pie was yummy too,lol.