When thinking about a story to write this week – I wanted to talk about old friends that add so much to our families- our pets- and in my case or my memory I should say ….an old dog named Bullet. I also came across a marvelous barbeque sauce that I wanted to share because it is barbequing time, so I have decided to combine both. I hope you enjoy!
As long as I could remember when I was little Bullet was our family dog. He was a beautiful collie (just like Lassie). We rescued him from an uncle who was going to shoot him. He did not understand a dog like Bullet because he had nothing but hunting dogs. Boy oh boy did he underestimate Bullet (more about that in a minute). I was probably about five years old when we got him. It was love at first sight with this dog and our family. We loved him and he loved us. There are not many photographs of us during those years that Bullet was present. Always sitting in the middle of the crew- our sun kissed arms wrapped all around him.
He was also very protective of us kids – mom or daddy could not spank us outside in his presence- he would growl- and saved us from a hickory switch for a few more hours. Every summer the copperheads were plentiful and he would find them long before we had a chance to happen upon one. I remember one time, daddy was going to the spring to check on our water in the reservoir, Bullet ran ahead of him sniffing the ground and all of the sudden Bullet started barking and growling and then…..he grabbed a copperhead and started slinging it back and forth with a force that tore that snake to bits. One of which went flying into my daddy’s face…now you know some went into his mouth. He started spitting and throwing up and cussing the dog. That story offered much entertainment through out the years. There were many other times when he would protect us from stray dogs that came onto the property, to strangers who took our road by mistake and would find us kids out playing in the yard.
Through the years this faithful dog was there sharing his love and gentle spirit. I was 17 the day he died. He had been going down hill, he was old and in the latest winter of his life. My daddy could not bear to see him suffer anymore and decided to put him down. He did it himself and to this day I don’t know how he had the strength. I know it still haunts him. I could not be there to see him buried either. Daddy had to do that too- he buried him beneath a beautiful dogwood tree and he left a legacy much richer and sweeter than any hunting my uncle ever owned.
I still think of him often and truly have never gotten attached to a dog like him since. When I heard the Miranda Lambert song, “The House that Built Me” and the line that says “ My best dog is buried under that old oak” I thought of Bullet once again, and could feel his soft fur that I so many times snuggled into. The pain in my heart was still there in the missing part- but the rest of me smiled- remembering my old friend.
2nd Part
Sweet Maple Barbecue Sauce
2 tablespoons of butter
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
2 cups of ketchup
1 cup vinegar
1 cup real maple syrup
½ cup orange juice
¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons ground mustard
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoons of salt
½ teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes
½ teaspoons paprika
Melt butter in sauce pan and cook onions and garlic until tender- then combine all other ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
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